Every smart company today is using some type of social media.  One way, in my opinion, companies can either sink or swim is how their company website looks.  Why is this such a big deal?  If I go to a website and it looks like a teenager just threw it together, I am likely to not go back.  The website needs to look professional and fulfull what is known in the electronic marketing community as AIDA.  AIDA is: 
Attention:  does it capture my attention when I first come to the homepage?
Interest: does it peak my interest about what the company does, sells, or offers? 
Desire: Do I have a desire to learn more?
Action:  Do I feel like I have to take action right now?
With AIDA in mind, I decided to look at some wedding websites to see if they fulfill AIDA.  The one I will talk about here is Calluna Events located in Boulder, CO

Attention:  Does it grab my attention?  Yes, becausee the logo is very prominant, and the detailed pictures give a wider range of showing what their company does.  I also love how the pictures all pop with color instead of fade into the background color.  I also noticed I am more drawn to websites that have a background color other than white.
Interest: Does it peak my interest?  Yes.  Again, I love the detailed pictures.  I also like how each different link is a different color and the testimonial gives credibility.
Desire: Do I have a desire to learn more?  Yes because if I like their pictures on their home page, I am almost positive I'll love pictures in their gallery
Action: Do I feel like I have to take action right now?  This one is tricky because it is yes and no.  Yes in that I decided they are one of the event planning companies I would like to intern with in the future and no because I am not a bride so I do not need to take action right now.
Overall, was this website a "go" on fulfilling AIDA?  In my opinion, YES!

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